This tutrial’s got outdated with M3D 1.6 release. Might still be useful but not entirely accurate. In this part of the tutorial we’ll instantiate the MCS model at runtime and add some clothes on him. But before that let’s see how we can show/hide clothes on an existing Morph 3D […]
This tutrial’s got outdated with M3D 1.6 release. Might still be useful but not entirely accurate. In the last part we set up our scene and added a character controller to our MCSMaleLite model. Now we can proceed to setting blendshapes at runtime. First we need a UI and a […]
This tutrial’s got outdated with M3D 1.6 release. Might still be useful but not entirely accurate. This part of tutuorial is about setting up the scene with a Morph 3D model. So first thing’s first, open unity and create a new project called Morph3DTutorial. From the “Window Menu” select the […]
This tutrial’s got outdated with M3D 1.6 release. Might still be useful but not entirely accurate. This tutuorial aims to put a Morph 3D character in the Unity scene and change morph (blendshape) values at runtime with a slider. It will be a much simpler version of the Morph 3D […]
This is a little character creation demo made with Unity using Morph 3D Male Lite and Female Lite characters. Demo is featuring runtime blendshape changes. There are some clipping issues with clothing especially for some sliders with higher values. Hopefully these would be fixed as Morph3D releases newer versions. I […]